Nick Pond Biography


My name is Nick Pond.  I am the current president of the Beehive Statesmen Barbershop Chorus. I have officially been a part of this fun artform for 18 years now.  Before that I was always looking for quartets to sing with, as I got introduced to 4 part acapella singing in high school choir and madrigals.  Singing in “pick-up” quartets was something I have done as often as I have been able to find three other guys to join me. 

I love the close four part harmony made by male quartets and choruses.  I love that singing with these groups is an activity that can be enjoyed well into the senior season of life.  I love the great brotherhood and comradery found in the my chorus.  I love that almost anywhere I go I can find brothers in harmony to get to know and count as my friends.  I love the solace I get after a particularly bad day or week, when I go to chorus rehearsal each Wednesday evening. I love the opportunity we have to provide service to people in the Salt Lake City area as we sing in rest homes, assisted living facilities and veterans care centers every few months. And I love singing concerts with my quartet for people who enjoy our artform and are looking for entertainment for their meetings, luncheons, and celebrations.  There is a lot of joy to be had from singing barbershop.